Monday, December 14, 2009

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Assignment: The Sermon on the Mount Research Project

Sermon on the Mount Research Project
Are the teachings of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount effective at dealing with issues in today’s world? How were principles from Jesus’ teachings used in the civil rights struggles? How are they used to solve humanitarian crises throughout the world? In this project, you will complete a four part project designed to answer these questions.

Part 1 (Due 12/16)

Select one of the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount and research its meaning. You should research how theologians interpret this teaching, what church fathers have said about this teaching, and how it has been applied through the centuries. Write a one to two page typed summary of this teaching. Use a twelve-point font. You may find it beneficial to consult Greek dictionaries. You need to reference at least three sources and cite them according to MLA style.

Part 2 (Due 1/8)

Identify one socio-political problem in the world today. Create a poster, painting or sculpture that identifies this problem and urges people toward a solution.

Part 3 (Due 1/15)

Analyze the problem you have selected. Write two pages about what has caused this problem, its history, and the people involved. Cite at least three sources when explaining the problem.
Second, create a one to two page explanation about how using a principal from the Sermon on the Mount may help solve this problem.

Part 4 (Due 1/18)

Deliver a five minute presentation about this problem. It should be rehearsed and you need to have either a typed handout or a Power Point Presentation.

Resource #11: Meeting Christ on the Sermon on the Mount

The text of this book is available using Google Books. You will need take take handwritten notes if you use this source because only the preview version is available online.

The Enormous Exception by Earl F. Palmer

Resource #10: Martin Luther's Commentary of the Sermon on the Mount

Martin Luther is the founder of the modern Protestant movement. His commentary of the Sermon on the Mount is freely available online.

Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount

Resource #9: John Wesley's Sermons

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, published a twelve part sermon series of the sermon on the mount during his lifetime. These sermons are available online. The scripture that he discuses is labeled next to each sermon. You will have to scroll down the long list to find the one that is relevant to you.

John Wesley Sermons

Resource #8: Oswald Chambers "Study of the Sermon on the Mount"

Oswald Chambers lived from 1874 to 1917. During his life, he wrote one of the world's most famous devotional books, "My Utmost for his Highest."

His commentary of the Sermon on the Mount is freely available online at the Internet Archive.

Studies of the Sermon on the Mount

Inspiration: Use Internet Tools to Improve Your Research

Resource #6 and #7: Sermons

Rick Warren's Saddleback church has many sermons available. Perhaps one will offer insights into the scripture that you have selected.
Saddleback Resources
Desiring God Resources, a ministry launched by John Piper, has dozens of sermans that deal with issues discussed in the Sermon on the Mount.
Desiring God Search- Sermon on the Mount

Resource #5: Liberty University Bible Commentary

Liberty University makes their commentary of the Sermon on the Mount freely available online.

Liberty University Bible Commentary Online

Resource #4 Saint Augustine's Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount

One of the most famous early church fathers was named Saint Augustine.
Your can read his commentary on the Sermon on the Mount.
On the Sermon on the Mount by St. Augustine

Reference #3: Sacred Name Bible with Strong's Dictionary

This Online Bible isn't much better than the ones at Bible Gateway, but it does contain indepth information about the original Greek language.
Sacred Name Bible

Resource #2: CCEL

An index of sermons and religious texts is available at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
You can compare what various preachers have said about your scripture. They have references that date back to the second century.

Resource #1: Bible Gateway

A good way to start your research is to read several Bible translations of the scripture that you have selected.

Bible Gateway